
Submitting a pull request

Opaque SQL enforces linting rules for all contributions. Before making changes and opening a pull request, please do the following (compatible for Ubuntu 18.04):

  1. Fork the repository on Github, then clone your fork and set upstream:

    git clone<your username>/opaque.git
    cd opaque
    git remote add upstream
  2. Install dependencies:

    # Coursier and scalafmt
    curl -fLo cs"$(uname | tr LD ld)"
    chmod +x cs
    ./cs install cs
    echo "" >> ~/.bashrc
    echo "export PATH=$PATH:~/.local/share/coursier/bin" >> ~/.bashrc
    source ~/.bashrc
    rm cs
    cs install scalafmt
    # npm and clang-format
    sudo apt -y update
    sudo apt -y install npm
    sudo npm install -g clang-format
  3. Install a Git pre-commit hook:


    Alternatively, you can just run the following file right before submitting a PR to create a new commit with linting changes:


Debugging your changes

Opaque SQL supports debugging native C/C++ code with oegdb. There are three steps to do so:

  1. Specify the test suite you want to debug in ${OPAQUE_HOME}/project/resources/run-tests.gdb.

  2. Set a debug environment variable: export DEBUG=1.

  3. Run ${OPAQUE_HOME}/build/sbt oe-gdb

Note that setting DEBUG=1 builds the enclave code in an insecure state: this should not be set for any production system.