Global Configuration

Before using MC2 Client, you’ll need to perform some configuration by specifying parameters in a YAML file. An example YAML file can be found here, and has also been copied at the bottom of this page. We describe the various parameters below.

User Configuration

We’ll need to perform some configuration for the user in the user section of the YAML file. Parameters are:

  • username : your username. This username will be used for certificate generation and authentication purposes.

  • symmetric_key : path to your symmetric key. If you don’t yet have a symmetric key, you can ask MC2 Client to generate a key for you (see Generating Keys). MC2 Client will look to this path for your key when encrypting and decrypting your data.

  • private_key : path to your private key. If you don’t yet have a private key, you can ask MC2 Client to generate a keypair/certificate for you (see Generating Keys). MC2 Client will use your private key to sign messages sent to the cloud.

  • public_key : path to your public key. If you don’t yet have a public key, you can ask MC2 Client to generate a keypair/certificate for you (see Generating Keys). MC2 Client will use your public key to authenticate you to the cloud.

  • certificate : path to your certificate. If you don’t yet have a certificate, you can ask MC2 Client to generate a keypair/certificate for you (see Generating Keys). MC2 Client will use your certificate to authenticate you to the cloud.

  • root_private_key : path to the Certificate Authority’s private key. MC2 Client uses the CA’s private key to generate a certificate for you. The MC2 compute service should also be aware of the CA private key.

  • root_certificate : path to the Certificate Authority’s certificate. MC2 Client uses the CA’s certificate to generate a certificate for you. The MC2 compute service should also be aware of the CA certificate.


Configuration for launching Azure resources. Parameters are:

  • azure_config : the absolute path to your Azure configuration YAML. More on Azure configuration can be found here.

  • head: manually specify the IP address (ip), username (username), and absolute path to the SSH key (ssh_key) of the head node. If the node is being run locally, only the ip field needs to be populated.


This parameter is optional and will override azure_config - if specified, the user is in charge of launching and stopping their own machines. If left blank, Opaque Client will default to using Azure. This parameter is for testing/development and should not be used in production.

  • workers: manually specify a list of IP addresses (ip), usernames (username), and absolute paths to SSH keys (ssh_key) corresponding to the worker nodes. If the nodes are being run locally, only the ip field needs to be populated. This field will override azure_config. This parameter is for testing/developement and should not be used in production.


This parameter is optional and will override azure_config - if specified, the user is in charge of launching and stopping their own machines. If left blank, Opaque Client will default to using Azure. This parameter is for testing/development and should not be used in production.

  • cluster : a boolean (true or false) - whether to launch a cluster of VMs

  • storage : a boolean (true or false) - whether to launch a new Azure blob storage account

  • container : a boolean (true or false) - whether to launch a storage container


In this section, you can specify what commands you want to run to start the compute services. Commands will run on the Azure VM cluster that you launch. You can specify different commands for the head node and the worker nodes.

  • head : a list of commands to run on the cluster’s head node

  • workers : a list of commands to run on the workers nodes


In this section, you can specify what data you want to encrypt and upload, how you want to upload the data, and what encryption format you want to use.

  • storage : options are blob or disk. If blob, MC2 Client will upload your data to the Azure storage container you create. If disk, MC2 Client will scp your data to each launched VM.

  • format : options are xgb and sql. If xgb, MC2 Client will encrypt your data in a format compatible with Secure XGBoost. If sql, MC2 Client will encrypt your data in a format compatible with Opaque SQL.

  • src : a list of files to encrypt and upload

  • schemas : a list of schemas, one for each file you want to encrypt. This field is required if encrypting in sql format, and not required otherwise. More detail on the format used to specify the schema is here.

  • dst : the directory to upload the data to. For now, this should be ignored if using Azure blob storage, as blob storage doesn’t support directories.


In this section, you can specify the script you want to run during computation, as well as some parameters for attestation.

  • script : the script to run

  • compute : the compute service you’re using. Options are xgb or sql.

  • attestation:

    • simulation_mode : options are 0 or 1. If 0, we are not running in simulation mode, and consequently should verify the compute enclaves during attestation. If 1, we are running in simluation mode, and verification does not occur.

    • mrenclave : the hash of the enclave build log.

    • mrsigner : the path to the public key of the entity signing all compute enclaves and the TMS.

  • consortium: a list of elements in the following format, representing each member of the consortium

    - username:
        public_key: /path/to/user/public/key
        release_policy: {true,false}


In this section, you can specify what you want to download and decrypt, how you want to download the data, and what decryption format you want to use.

  • storage : options are blob or disk. If blob, MC2 Client will upload your data to the Azure storage container you create. If disk, MC2 Client will scp your data to each launched VM.

  • format : options are xgb and sql. If xgb, MC2 Client will decrypt your data in a format compatible with Secure XGBoost. If sql, MC2 Client will decrypt your data in a format compatible with Opaque SQL.

  • src : a list of files to download.

  • dst : the directory to download the data to.


Not implemented


In this section, you can specify what Azure resources you want to terminate that you previously launched.

  • cluster : a boolean (true or false) - whether to delete the cluster of VMs

  • storage : a boolean (true or false) - whether to delete the new Azure blob storage account

  • container : a boolean (true or false) - whether to delete the storage container

  • resource_group : a boolean (true or false) - whether to delete the resource group


All together, the configuration file will look something like the following.

# User configuration
    # Your username - username should be specified in certificate
    username: user1

    # Path to your symmetric key - will be used for encryption/decryption
    # If you don't have a symmetric key, specify a path here
    # and run `mc2 init` to generate a key
    # `mc2 init` will not overwrite anything at this path
    symmetric_key: ${MC2_CLIENT_HOME}/demo/keys/user1_sym.key

    # Path to your private key and certificate
    # If you don't have a private key / certificate, specify paths here
    # and run `mc2 init` to generate a keypair
    # `mc2 init` will not overwrite anything at this path
    private_key: ${MC2_CLIENT_HOME}/demo/keys/user1.pem
    certificate: ${MC2_CLIENT_HOME}/demo/keys/user1.crt

    # Path to CA certificate and private key
    # Needed if you want to generate a certificate signed by CA
    root_certificate: ${MC2_CLIENT_HOME}/demo/keys/root.crt
    root_private_key: ${MC2_CLIENT_HOME}/demo/keys/root.pem

# Configuration for launching cloud resources
    # The absolute path to your Azure configuraton
    # This needs to be an absolute path
    azure_config: ${MC2_CLIENT_HOME}/demo/azure.yaml

    # # Manually specify the IP/uname/ssh_key of the head node or workers.
    # # If these values exist, they will override any values in `azure_config`.
    # # Consequently, the `launch` and `stop` commands will do nothing.
    # head:
    #    ip:
    #    username:
    #    ssh_key:
    # workers:
    #  - ip:
    #    username:
    #    ssh_key:

    # Whether to launch a cluster of VMs
    cluster: true

    # Whether to launch Azure blob storage
    storage: true

    # Whether to launch a storage container
    container: true

# Commands to start compute service
    # Commands to run on head node
      - echo "Hello from head"

    # Commands to run on worker nodes
      - echo "Hello from worker"

# Configuration for `mc2 upload`
    # Whether to upload data to Azure blob storage or disk
    # Allowed values are `blob` or `disk`
    # If `blob`, Azure CLI will be called to upload data
    # Else, `scp` will be used
    storage: blob

    # Encryption format to use
    # Options are `sql` if you want to use Opaque SQL
    # or `xgb` if you want to use Secure XGBoost
    format: sql

    # Files to encrypt and upload
      - ${MC2_CLIENT_HOME}/demo/data/opaquesql.csv

    # If you want to run Opaque SQL, you must also specify a schema,
    # one for each file you want to encrypt and upload
      - ${MC2_CLIENT_HOME}/demo/data/opaquesql_schema.json

    # Directory to upload data to

# Computation configuration
    # Script to run
    script: ${MC2_CLIENT_HOME}/demo/opaque_sql_demo.scala

    # Compute service you're using
    # Choices are `xgb` or `sql`
    compute: sql

    # Attestation configuration
        # Whether we are running in simulation mode
        # If 0 (False), we are _not_ running in simulation mode,
        # and should verify the attestation evidence
        simulation_mode: 0

        # MRENCLAVE value to check
        # MRENCLAVE is a hash of the enclave build log
        mrenclave: NULL

        # Path to MRSIGNER value to check
        # MRSIGNER is the key used to sign the built enclave
        mrsigner: ${MC2_CLIENT_HOME}/python-package/tests/keys/

# Configuration for downloading results
    # Whether to upload data to Azure blob storage or disk
    # Allowed values are `blob` or `disk`
    # If `blob`, Azure CLI will be called to upload data
    # Else, `scp` will be used
    storage: blob

    # Format this data is encrypted with
    format: sql

    # Directory/file to download
      - results/opaque_sql_result

    # Local directory to download data to
    dst: results/

# Configuration for stopping services

# Configuration for deleting Azure resources

    # Whether to terminate launched VMs
    cluster: true

    # Whether to terminate created Azure blob storage
    storage: true

    # Whether to terminate created storage container
    container: true
    resource_group: true