Azure Configuration

MC2 Client provides an interface to directly launch Azure resources – you can launch VMs, blob storage accounts, or storage containers. To do so, you’ll need to configure some parameters that will tell MC2 Client how to set up your Azure resources. You should specify the path to this configuration in the ["launch"]["azure_config"] section of your Global Configuration.

Below is an example of the Azure configuration with comments about each field.

# An unique identifier for the head node and workers of this cluster.
cluster_name: default

# The total number of workers nodes to launch in addition to the head
# node. This number should be >= 0.
num_workers: 0

# Cloud-provider specific configuration.
   type: azure

   # Location of resources
   # For a full list of regions that have VMs with enclave support,
   # go to the following link and look for DCs-v2 series VMs
   location: eastus

   # The name of the resource group that will contain all resources
   resource_group: mc2-client-dev

   # The name of the storage account to create
   storage_name: mc2storage

   # The name of the storage container to create
   container_name: blob-container-1

   # If left blank or commented out, the default subscription ID
   # from the Azure CLI will be used
   # subscription_id:

# How MC2 will authenticate with newly launched nodes.
   # The username to use to SSH to launched nodes
   ssh_user: mc2

   # You must specify paths to matching private and public key pair files
   # Use `ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096` to generate a new SSH key pair
   ssh_private_key: ~/.ssh/id_rsa
   ssh_public_key: ~/.ssh/

# Provider-specific config for the head node, e.g. instance type.
      # The DCs_v2 VMs support Intel SGX
      vmSize: Standard_DC2s_v2

      # If launching a minimal Ubuntu machine
      # (and manually installing using setup commands)
      imagePublisher: Canonical
      imageOffer: UbuntuServer
      imageSku: 18_04-lts-gen2
      imageVersion: latest

# Provider-specific config for worker nodes, e.g. instance type.
      # The DCs_v2 VMs support Intel SGX
      vmSize: Standard_DC2s_v2

      # If launching a minimal Ubuntu machine
      # (and manually installing using setup commands)
      imagePublisher: Canonical
      imageOffer: UbuntuServer
      imageSku: 18_04-lts-gen2
      imageVersion: latest

#       Everything below this can be ignored - you likely won't have to      #
#       modify it.                                                           #

# Files or directories to copy to the head and worker nodes. The format is a
# dictionary from REMOTE_PATH: LOCAL_PATH, e.g.
file_mounts: {
   # This script installs Open Enclave
   "~/" : "scripts/",

   # This script builds Spark 3.1.1 from source
   "~/" : "scripts/",

   # This script downloads a pre-built Spark 3.1.1 binary
   "~/" : "scripts/",

   # This script builds Opaque SQL from source
   "~/" : "scripts/",

   # This script installs Secure XGBoost from source
   "~/" : "scripts/"

# List of commands that will be run before `setup_commands`. If docker is
# enabled, these commands will run outside the container and before docker
# is setup.
   # Get rid of annoying Ubuntu message
   - touch ~/.sudo_as_admin_successful

# List of shell commands to run to set up nodes.
# Note: Use empty list if using image
   # This script installs Open Enclave on the node
   - chmod +x ~/
   - source ~/
   # This script installs Apache Spark on the node
   - chmod +x ~/
   - source ~/
   # This script installs Opaque SQL on the node
   - chmod +x ~/
   - source ~/
   # This script installs Secure XGBoost on the node
   - chmod +x ~/
   - source ~/

# Custom commands that will be run on the head node after common setup.
# Set to empty list if using image
head_setup_commands: []

# Custom commands that will be run on worker nodes after common setup.
# Set to empty list if using image
worker_setup_commands: []

# Command to start MC2 on the head node.
# Set to empty list if using image
- cd $SPARK_HOME; ./sbin/

# Command to start MC2 on worker nodes.
# Set to empty list if using image
- cd $SPARK_HOME; ./sbin/ $MC2_HEAD_IP:7077