
  1. Can’t find <openenclave/host.h> (no such file or directory).

    Please configure environment variables for Open Enclave SDK for Linux as described in the installation step:

    source /opt/openenclave/share/openenclave/openenclaverc

    Consider adding this line to your ~/.bashrc to make the environment variables persist across sessions.

  2. Remote attestation fails with error:

    Failed to get quote enclave identity information. OE_QUOTE_PROVIDER_CALL_ERROR (oe_result_t=OE_QUOTE_PROVIDER_CALL_ERROR).

    If you’re using an ACC (Azure Confidential Computing) VM, this may be a sign of a dcap-client version issue. The dcap-client should be at least version 1.1. You can check your version by doing

    user@accvm:~$ dpkg --list | grep dcap-client
    ii  az-dcap-client  1.1  amd64  Intel(R) SGX DCAP plugin for Azure Integration

    If the version is not at least 1.1, upgrade by doing the following.

    curl | sudo apt-key add -
    sudo apt-add-repository
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install az-dcap-client
  3. Failed to create enclave: enclave_create with ENCLAVE_TYPE_SGX1 type failed

    This error may be symptomatic of a machine that does not support Intel SGX. Check if your machine supports it by doing


    If your machine doesn’t support SGX, you can still use the library in simulation mode for local development and testing.

    Alternatively, this error may be symptomatic of an outdated DCAP driver. Check the version by doing

    modinfo intel_sgx

    If the version is below 1.21, update the DCAP driver by following step 2 here.

  4. Permission denied

    This may be symptomatic of an SSH authentication error. Be sure that the SSH public key of the machine running the tracker is in the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file of each node in the cluster.

  5. Hung connection

    If the tracker is hung after logging a statement similar to start listen on ..., the tracker may be hung listening for an initial signal from a node in the cluster. Ensure that ports 9000-9100 are open on each machine.