Cerebro Setup

Cerebro has a few core dependencies that need to be setup before it can be used.


The documentation fully detailing SCALE-MAMBA can be obtained by running make doc in the SCALE-MAMBA repository.

The following is copied from SCALE-MAMBA’s current setup documentation.

Prerequisite Libraries:

  • gcc/g++, tested with version 7.2.1

  • MPIR (compiled with the -cxx flag)

  • python 2.7.5 (ideally with gmpy2 installed)

  • OpenSSL (tested with version 1.1.0)

  • Crypto ++ (tested with version 7.0)

Setup Steps for SCALE-MAMBA

  • After installing the libraries, go to CONFIG.mine and change the entry corresponding with ROOT to point to the current path of where the SCALE-MAMBA directory is. Also, change the entry corresponding with OSSL to have it point to the installed OpenSSL directory.

  • Run make progs and SCALE-MAMBA should compile.

  • Create a config file with all the servers participating in the multiparty computation. Line i should have the IP address of the i’th server.

  • Go to mc2/Config and run the script gen_cert.py and pass in the previously made config file along with the number of parties participating.

  • Additionally, run python mc2/Config/make_config.py which sets up the Network configuration for SCALE-MAMBA to use.

  • Then in mc2/SCALE-MAMBA, run the command: echo '2 1 p' > ./Setup.x where p is the length of the prime in terms of number of bits used in the secure computation.


Prerequisite Libraries:

  • emp-toolkit:
    • Install:
      • cmake

      • git

      • build-essential

      • libssl-dev

      • libgmp-dev

      • Boost

      • relic

    • cd into emp-tool and run cmake . && make && sudo make install.

  • emp-ot: Installation instructions are here: https://github.com/emp-toolkit/emp-ot
    • After installing emp-toolkit, just cd into emp-ot and run cmake . && make && sudo make install.

Setup Steps for EMP-AGMPC

  • The make_config.py script should have set up all the network parameters inside emp-agmpc/emp-agmpc/cmpc_config.h, but if not, you’ll have to manually input the IP’s of each server.
    • IP[i] will hold the IP address of the ith server.

    • Note that everything here is 1-indexed so the first server goes into IP[1].

  • Run cmake . && make


  • Alternatively, you can pull the docker image from here: docker pull rdeng2614/cerebro:initial_image which has all the dependencies installed. Then, you can clone the cerebro repository and directly start setting up from there.


  • Included with Cerebro are a set of tests for both SCALE-MAMBA and emp-agmpc.

  • To run the tests with SCALE-MAMBA, run cd mc2/crypto_backend/SCALE-MAMBA and then run python test_scripts/test_scale_mamba.py.

  • To run the tests with emp-agmpc, run cd mc2/crypto_backend/emp-toolkit/emp-agmpc and then run python test_scripts/test_gc.py.